Taking a Break from the Brain
Resting will give you a sense of newfound purpose and energy that you will be able to use to pursue your ultimate goals.
Over the last month, I have been able to give myself a break. Not because I was overstressed or overworked, but because I got a chance to visit my hometown of Portland Oregon to see my family and friends and I wanted that time to be as special as possible with no other distractions or things that are otherwise worthy of my time, like reading and writing, but take a lot of time.
I learned a lot about myself and life, in general, during this visit. It meant a whole lot to my family and me to be able to take this time away from reading and writing, social media, and all the things that normally bring me a sense of purpose. But in doing so I have brought myself even more purpose and I think it will for you too if you just give yourself a chance to take it easy for a month and enjoy life without distractions.
The Key Points
Self-Reflection From an Outside View
The key points I learned by taking a break from my brain are that taking an extended break from normal or extraordinary goals is beneficial for self-reflection. Resting allows you to view your own goals from an outside view. Even though technically I was supposed to be resting on this holiday in America, I took my downtime to reflect on my past thoughts and actions in a relaxed environment. This freed my mind from any biases towards my own thoughts or actions and allowed me to realize my faults and my successes. I found that completely resting and enjoying every moment of it will help support and increase your energy when returning. After rest and reflection, you’re able to get back to your goal-setting and action-taking from an improved perspective.
Prepare a Secure Financial Future Now
The second key point is that it's much better to make damn sure you have prepared a secure financial future first than to put all your energy into something that has not been working. This is not to say that you have not learned valuable skills from trying to make something work because it is true that you will learn a whole lot through experimentation. Through every experience, you can learn something new that will be applicable in other areas of your life. Being financially secure takes a lot of time and effort in combination with knowledge and experience. If you are in your 30s but do not feel like you are financially secure yet there is time still to be able to get where you need to be by continually upgrading your skills and knowledge set combined with your experiences.
When approaching the work you do, you have to ensure that you have a future that your old self will appreciate you for.
Nothing is set in stone.
From my personal experience and from many of the books that I read in the past I realize that nothing in life is really set in stone. We may get into a career that we really enjoy for a decade but then realize that it's not the path that we want to take. But along the way you pick up new skills and experiences that help you discover a new path that you would like to take. If that new path looks appealing and is sure to help you to achieve a financially secure future then why not give it a shot.
^^ woohoo